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How to make virgin coconut oil or VCO at home

Virgin coconut oil or  VCO has proven health benefits and can be used for cooking and caring for skin and hair. Virgin Coconut Oil is believed to be of high quality, naturally made and free of chemicals.
  • Learn how to make your own VCO at home by using the following spontaneous fermentation methods : Choose a mature coconut or a brown instead of a light green, then split the coconut into 2 parts.
  • To take the coconut meat use a sharp knife or a sturdy metal spoon. 
  • Cut the coconut meat into small pieces. 
  • Place the pieces into the coconut shredder. 
  • Blender grated coconut with medium-speed food processor until the coconut meat is destroyed. You can add a little water to help the process of destruction and making coconut milk.
  • Strain the coconut milk. Use a thin cotton cloth placed over a wide mouth container. Pour little by little using a small spoon. Squeeze the crushed coconut meat using a thin cotton cloth. Do it repeatedly until coconut milk  out. 
  • Leave the coconut juice for at least 24 hours. In order for the coconut milk and oil to separate and the oil layer will appear at the top. You can also cool the fermentation container after 24 hours, up to 10o degree of celcius. Then the oil at the top can be frozen and easily taken. 
  • Take the oil using a spoon, and there have been virgin coconut oil VCO pure. The water part is left in the bottle bottom.
Simple way to create your own virgin coconut oil (VCO) can be done at home. Basically this process is commonly used because it is easy, just by spontaneous fermentation alone. Indeed, the quality of this fermentation process can not last long, because we are not easy to control the fermentation bacteria that work, and can not be sure when this fermentation is complete.

How to Make VCO Without Warming with Best Results

VCO or Virgin Coconut Oil is an oil made from fresh coconut meat. VCO manufacture usually uses low milk, In short, the way of making is to extract coconut milk from coconut meat, then fermented or can also use enzymes, or can also be done mechanically by using a centrifuge.
By looking at the process, we can also make our own VCO (read : virgin coconut oil) at home. In addition to personal use, making VCO itself can also be a business with a large enough market potential.

BENEFITS OF Virgin coconut oil
If you can make your own Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO), maybe this ability can be quite promising. In addition you can use self-made oil, if the results are good, you can even make this an effort. Especially in Indonesia there are a lot of coconut resources.
Virgin Coconut Oil is known to have many benefits and benefits for health. In addition, oil made from coconut is also an important ingredient used in the cosmetics and beauty industry.
Pure coconut oil is usually processed without the use of heating oil still has high levels of lauric acid. Lauric acid in this oil if entered into the body will be processed into monolaurin.
Monolaurin is a medium saturated fatty acid or known as Medium Chain Fatty Acid (MFCA). This type of fatty acid is more easily absorbed in the intestine, making it faster to produce energy even though it is not assisted by enzymes.
If we use Virgin Coconut Oil  for everyday, so far there has been no harm to health, in contrast to ordinary coconut oil, which we must limit its use. In fact, eating a VCO can actually maintain heart health and blood vessels.
In addition can be used for cooking or consumption as usual, VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil)  was also able to be used to solve skin problems. Such as to overcome the infection caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, germs, and other causes of infection.
Even this pure coconut oil can also overcome the problem of acne, to smooth the skin, moisturize the skin, prevent premature aging, and other skin care.
Some of the advantages above that may make the price of VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) is more expensive than ordinary coconut oil. With a high enough price, we will learn how to make it yourself at home.

To make pure coconut oil, in fact there are many ways, ranging from those using warming, to fermenting, inducing, using stirring or with a certain speed of play (centrifuge). The way to be learned this time is to make VCO without heating, we will use a stirring machine.
  1.  Before starting to make, we prepare first the required equipment.
  2. Spoon curved
  3. White tissu with no perfume or perfume
  4. Filter
  5.  Funnel
  6. 0.5 meters small hose
  7. The white fabric is commonly used to filter out tofu
  8. Transparent container measuring 4.5 liters more
  9. Mixing machine or mixer
The material used to make pure coconut oil is of course coconut. Use an old coconut because the fat is high enough to make oil.
The required coconut fruit is 5 grains, grated everything. The shredded coconut should not stand for more than an hour. So, after completion of the dissolution, just immediately done extortion to remove the coconut milk. This is to avoid the occurrence of rancid odor in the ready-made oil.

Once obtained, grated coconut, then wring until obtained thick coconut milk or commonly called kanil. Extortion can be done using a fine screen or can also use a filter cloth to make the process faster and the coconut milk obtained more clean.
After finishing the extortion process, leave the coconut milk for 30 minutes, this is done to make it easier to separate between the canals and the sediment.
If it is separated between the canals and the sediment, put the cane into the mixer, do the stirring for 8 hours. After the stirring process, we will get the sediment from candidate VCO. This precipitate is separated from the canals by using a small tube.

After separation of the precipitate and cans, restore the cane for approximately 8 hours until separated between the VCO (virgin Coconut Oil), the middle or blondo sediment, and the bottom deposit. The transparent container used in this function is to see the occurrence of this separation process.
We can separate the blondo with the VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) using a tea strap that has been coated with tissu. To take the topmost oil layer, use a curved spoon. We must be patient in this process of taking, in order to get a good VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil)

If you make this pure coconut oil for business purposes, then can use modern VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) production machine to make VCO with a large capacity. In addition to later adakn oil is obtained easily, the results of course also qualified.
The machine used is a centrifuge, the oil produced by using a centrifuge will have a lower water content. Therefore, the quality of VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil)  generated from the centrifuge process would be better and desirable. In addition to its good quality, the existing minerals are also homogeneous.


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